
Volkswagen Import Caravelle Media Test Drive

As of July 11, 348 reports had been generated in nationwide mainstream, auto, lifestyle, and online media ,with a total ad value of RMB 13,460,169.
ROI: 37.8%
In June 2014, the Volkswagen Import Caravelle was launched in Beijing. 48 journalists from 37 professional auto, mass, and high-end lifestyle media test-drove the new Caravelle to experience its outstanding performance while gaining an insight into the heritage of the Caravelle and the Volkswagen T Family through interactive games we designed.
Media:48 journalists from 37 media
Event highlights
Online media and magazines were invited to attend a pre-test-drive briefing session where they were given a more in-depth introduction of the new Caravelle’s highlights and development history.
Through interactive games integrated in the test drive, participants became acquainted with the model’s overall design, brand history and driving experience in a novel and engaging way.
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